Top management


    Stefano Pileri

    Stefano Pileri was born in Rome in 1955. He is graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1980 and holds a Masters in Applied Electromagnetics. His thesis, in Microwave Technology, was published in the IEEE Proceedings on Communication.

    Since September 2010 he is Italtel Chief Executive Officer with the task of leading the company in financial restructuring following a new industrial strategy based on the development of the Network and System Integration In Europe and Latin America with a strong component of Engineering, Research and Development in the Telecommunications Market, Enterprise and Public Administration Market.

    Before becoming CEO of Italtel, he has spent his entire career in Telecom Italia where, until the end of 2009, he was the Chief Technology Officer and Director of Technology & Operations. Reported to him the divisions Open Access Network, Information Technology and Real Estate, with the aim of increasing the transparency and quality of the network, develop innovation in services offered to the enterprises, public administration and families and then continue along the path of efficiency and cost reduction.

    In 2005 he had been appointed Chief Technology Officer with the responsibility to integrate Fixed Network, Mobile Network and Information Technology. In this role developed the project of Fixed and Mobile convergence and opened the way to the development project of Next Generation Access Network (NGAN) in the fixed network and LTE project in the mobile network, currently under deployment. From 2006 to 2009 he was General Manager of Telecom Italia Group.

    In 1998, just after the completion of the privatization of Telecom Italia, he was appointed head of the Network of Telecom Italy.
    In 1982 he began his career in SIP with increasing responsibility in Information Technology with particular regard to information technology to support business processes and network control.

    In 1993 he became head of the Network in the Region of Emilia Romagna, with responsibility for technical development and operation of regional facilities. In 1996 he took on responsibility for planning and engineering of the Network at national level.
    During his career he has always devoted considerable attention to accelerating the development of ICT sector in Italy with constructive and high level relationships both with public institutions and private organizations.

    From 2009 to 2011 he served as President of the Federation of Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services and before that, from 2007 to 2010, he served as Vice President of the Union of Industries of Rome with the responsibilities of the project Digital City of Rome.

    He has received several international awards. Among these, the Tele Management Forum Award, the International Engineering Consortium Award in the USA and EUCIP Champion.


    Roberto Felline

    Born in Vigevano in 1963, Roberto Felline has a degree in Economics from the University of Pavia.

    He began his career in 1988 in the auditing firm Coopers & Lybrand, later to become PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a world leader in the field of auditing, holding the position of Senior Manager.

    In 2002 he joined Italtel dealing with Management Control in Research & Development and Operations and becoming, in 2010, responsible for the Controlling function of the entire Italtel group. He has followed various corporate and financial restructuring projects, taking on the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Group in 2017.

    From August 2019 he assumes the position of Italtel Chief Corporate Officer.

    Registered in the Register of Auditors, he held the positions of statutory auditor and board member in Italtel group companies.


    Guido Candiani

    Guido Candiani joined Italtel in 1991.

    He is Vice-president, responsible for TI Group, Telefonica Group and the whole Latin America Region.

    Starting his career in 1989 at Aerovironment (USA, California) and having spent the following 2 years in Telettra Spain, the Spanish subsidiary of the Fiat Group’s telecommunication manufacturer company, Mr Candiani joined Italtel and covered various roles of growing responsibility in the product and marketing management and in 1996 he became COO of Cubatel, a joint venture between the Ministry of Electronics Industry of Cuba and Italtel group.

    In 1999 he started up operations in Brazil and acted as Italtel Brasil COO. In 2002 he returned to Italtel headquarters to take on the responsibility for the product and project management of the Group.

    In 2008 he assumed the P&L responsibility of Telecom Italia Domestic operations and in 2010 of all EMEA Service Providers (in Italy and Europe).

    Born in Genova in 1965, married with three children, Guido obtained his degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico of Milan in 1989 and followed the YTMP Executive program at INSEAD.


    Fabrizio La Paglia

    Fabrizio La Paglia is today the Head of Telco & Media – Italy Market Unit, responsible for developing business, clients and sales in the Italian Service & Media Providers sector.

    In 2005, he joined Italtel, working as Project Manager and was part of the team that created and launched the start-up of the Spanish subsidiary of Italtel

    In Italtel, he covered a wide variety of roles during last 12 years. He was assigned growing responsibilities within the Company, leading several Project teams (Global Program Manager for Latin America in 2007,
    Head of Marketing and Business Development in 2009, Global Account Manager for Telecom Italia in 2013, Sales Operations for Italian Telco Providers in 2015), since 2016, when he was appointed Head of Market Unit.

    In 1995, he graduated at the “Università degli Studi” of Genoa in Electronic Engineering.


    Giovanni Salerno

    Giovanni Salerno has a degree in Economics and Commerce and a Master in Total Quality Management.

    He began his career in 1996 in Ericsson Telecommunications in the Marketing field with growing responsibility also at an international level and then in 2001 he passed to the Sales Direction, where he became Sales Manager of the Central Italian Pubblic Administration and maintained this role until 2007.

    He acquired experience and skills in the field of IT Services in the following years, working as Sales Director of a leading company in the sector when in 2011 he joined Italtel with the role of Central Public Administration Sales Manager.

    He is currently the Head of the Market Unit Enterprise & Public Sector – Italy in Italtel, with responsibility for positioning the company in the reference market through the coordination of the commercial, design and delivey structures.


    Luca Ferraris

    Luca Ferraris has more than 15 years experience in the high technology products and services market, holding roles of growing complexity in Pre-sales, Marketing and Strategy areas.

    He is graduated in Telecommunications Engineering and holds an Executive Master in Business Administration. By his educational and professional path, he is empowered to follow all the steps needed to set-up and track a strategic investment: his strong technological competence is enriched with the ability to analyze the market data, to perform an economical and financial appraisal of new projects value, to design and foster innovative offerings.

    Before being appointed of the current responsibility, he was leading the Internet of Things Italtel initiatives, following as well the relationships with Institutions and Industrial Associations. As Head of the Strategy, Innovation & Communication team, he is accountable for developing the company Industrial Plan, driving the Open Innovation initiatives, managing the Project financing activities, defining the Communication strategies.


    Paolo Allegra

    Paolo Allegra joined Italtel in December 1989 as HW&SW Engineer. More than twenty years in the Telco industry, firstly assuming technical responsibilities, then achieving a specialization in the networks design; afterwards he moved to the Sales Area for the international Market and later on assumed the role of Head of the Advanced Professional Services Organization which comprises Design, Engineering, Testing, Deployment and Technical Assistance departments at Milan Company headquarters.

    Mr. Allegra spent more than seven years in Latin America participating to the creation of the start-up Italtel Brasil and carried out, in the role of General Manager, the acquisition of the Brazilian Market through some relevant contracts with major Service Providers of fixed and mobile Telephony. He held the role of Sales Area Manager for the emerging markets Middle East and Africa for three years with the responsibility of local subsidiary.

    Starting from 2009 he took charge of Delivery Unit until 2010 when he was appointed Head of Product Unit.


    Giulio Gaetani

    Joining Italtel in 1992, he started working in the Validation testing team dedicated to Telecom Italia for the release of the TDM Exchange, doing the internal steps from team member to team leader in 1998.

    In 2000 he moved to the Engineering team, working in both presales and post sales activities, mostly with Italian Service Providers, both Telecom Italia, National and International, and others.

    In 2004 he came back to the Validation team assuming the responsibility of the teams on the worldwide market theatre of Italtel on Telco solutions. In the following years he developed strong relationships with the Engineering teams of Italtel subsidiaries abroad.

    In 2009 Validation team and Engineering in Italy have been merged and he assumed the leadership of the teams dedicated to the International Market for Telco solutions.

    In 2011 he took in charge to responsibility of the worldwide theatre for both Engineering and Validation activities

    In 2017 he assumed the responsibility of leading the Business Unit dedicated to proprietary products, platform and applications, related to five main streams: Telco, SDN, IoT, Contextual Communication and Management. The Business Unit has in charge all the phases, from Offering to Development, from Engineering to Operations support, by itself or in cooperation with the other Italtel BU.

    Born in Milano, Italy in 1965, married, with four children, Giulio obtained his degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico of Milano in 1991 and attended the II level Master of the Politecnico of Milano in Innovation Management.


    Stefano Piler a.i.


    Lorenzo Priolo

    Born in 1960, he is graduated full marks in Electronic Engineering (specialization Robotics).

    He held his thesis at the National Research Council (CNR) of Padua where he had a brief working experience as a researcher.
    He joined Italtel in 1988 dealing with project “Electronic Factory”, launched in the Carini plant (Palermo), taking care of quality and reliability aspects concerning the robotic production lines, at that time under implementation.

    He was involved in the Total Quality project and was Lead Assessor for several years for the Italian Quality Award (Premio Qualità Italia) for Small and Medium Enterprises, established by Confindustria (Italian Industrial Association).

    He was responsible for Corporate Quality, and since 2010, is Head of Internal Audit Department. From 2012, he is also Compliance Officer dealing with the Organizational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

    He takes part to the meetings of the Audit Committee, also as Secretary, and is member of the Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza).

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